COVID-19 Response

utorak, 1. septembar 2020.

Davor Maksimovic

Project description:
The SARS-CoV2 pandemic with its Covid 19 disease is something that nobody could

expect. In economy that would be named as Black Swan event. Having in mind that we need to adjust our behavior to this new reality, we were looking what would be activity that we, as a club can do, to have the highest impact in our society, in our neighborhood.

We decided to donate disinfection material to primary schools in our city, having in mind relatively under satisfying hygiene levels in schools.


By previous experience, looking that some other donors, like NGO followed our path we expect that with visibility of our project, some other institutions will donate more, making this project indirectly sustainable.


Type of activity:
Health and prevention. Purchasing of disinfection material and protective equipment.


Deliver disinfection material to primary schools


2400 Euro (€)


Schwerpunkt: Krankheitsvorsorge und -behandlung
Projekttyp: Regional
Projektart: District Grant
Land: Bosna i Hercegovina
Ort: Banja Luka
Projektzeitraum: 01.09.2020 - 30.09.2020
Kontaktperson: Davor Maksimovic

Partnerski klubovi

Rotary Clubs: RC Banja Luka Gloria, RC Fenix Banja Luka

Distrikte: 1910