Support to students, future entrepreneurs

petak, 1. april 2011.

Ilija Trninic


Rotary organization has recognized from the beginning the importance of working with young people who need help and support in almost all areas of life, and in particular on developing knowledge and skills that will enable their independence in work, business efficiency and cooperation, and leadership. Since there are major challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina for young people in the field of economics and entrepreneurship, corporate friends of Rotarians from Bosnia, Austria and Germany have developed a project that will, from 2010. to 2012., work on the development of entrepreneurial skills among high school students from 10 cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cooperation will be established with secondary schools, and with implementation organization "Initiative for Teaching Entrepreneurship", Vienna, Austria, that will train knowledge and skillmultipliers necessary for development of entrepreneurship.

The project is supported by the Rotary Foundation and funds of partner Rotary clubs: Rotary Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Rotary Club Gmunden, Austria, Rotary Club Gmunden - Traunsee, Austria, Rotary Club Kitzbühel, Austria, Rotary Club Salzburg Land, Austria, Rotary Club Wolfratshausen - Isartal, Germany. Even greater importance to the project is given by the fact that the implementation of the project is based on the associates and understanding of the clubs that come from the three Rotary District: District 1910, Rotary District 1920, Rotary District 1840. With joint efforts a better communities are built and new friendships gained.


100.000 Euro (€)


Schwerpunkt: Elementarbildung
Projekttyp: International
Projektart: Global Grant
Land: Bosna i Hercegovina
Ort: Banjaluka
Projektzeitraum: 01.04.2011 - 01.04.2012
Kontaktperson: Ilija Trninic