Doctor Aleksandar Lazarevic, a member of the Rotary Club of Banja Luka, along with his wife, Dr. Sandra Lazarevic, a member of the Rotary Club Gloria Banja Luka as part of humanitarian activities and assistance to the sick, have performed on Sunday, 17 October a free examination of 36 patients in the village Pogar near Vares. On this occasion, given that those were poor and sick elderly patients, an ultrasound examination helped in establishing the correct diagnosis of cardio-vascular diseases.
500 Euro (€)
Schwerpunkt: Soziales
Projekttyp: Regional
Land: Bosna i Hercegovina
Ort: Pogar
Projektzeitraum: 17.10.2010 - 17.10.2010
Kontaktperson: Dr Aleksandar Lazarević